Mount Pisgah's Annual Mushroom Festival is a Spectacular Fall Event

Charting Nature is proud to be part of this annual event, which is the Arboretum's biggest fundraising event of the year. Since we're a longtime Festival vendor and participant, we can also testify that it's something families looking for some fall fun will enjoy, especially those that are into mushroom hunting and cooking. Both novice and experienced "shroomers" alike report that it's educational too.
Along those lines, the Mushroom Festival's perhaps best noted for its huge Mushroom Exhibit. The Cascade Mycological Society (CMS), along with Lane Community College (LCC) students in the Biology of Mushroom class are responsible for collecting and setting up one of the largest fungal displays on the west coast, with over 300 named species each year. In addition to the mushroom exhibit, the festival will also feature culinary demonstrations, live music, hayrides, a cider booth, guided nature walks, and a kid's booth as well as booths for authors and other local vendors (like us). We hope you'll stop by for a visit at our booth, where we'll showcase our nature prints and posters, as well as enter a free drawing for a box of our Mushroom Note Cards at the main Arboretum booth.
Visit Mount Pisgah Arboretum's festival page for directions and more details about all the festival's activities and logistics.
- Cindy McMahen